By discouraging littering, we protect our natural surroundings, prevent pollution of waterways, and safeguard wildlife habitats. Maintaining a clean environment enhances the beauty of our city for everyone to enjoy.

Proper waste disposal reduces the risk of disease transmission and ensures a healthier living environment for residents. By preventing littering, we help keep our neighborhoods safe and protect the well-being of our community.

A litter-free city fosters a sense of pride and unity among residents. When we all make an effort to keep our streets and public spaces clean, we create a positive image for our city and attract visitors and businesses alike.

Always use designated trash bins and recycling containers for proper disposal of waste materials. Avoid littering by keeping trash secure until you can dispose of it correctly.

When enjoying parks, picnic areas, and other outdoor spaces, make sure to clean up after yourself. Leave no trace and take your trash with you, leaving the area clean for others to enjoy.

When enjoying parks, picnic areas, and other outdoor spaces, make sure to clean up after yourself. Leave no trace and take your trash with you, leaving the area clean for others to enjoy.

Handicap Parking Enforcement

Handicap parking enforcement plays a crucial role in ensuring equal access and convenience for individuals with disabilities within our community. By strictly enforcing handicap parking regulations, we create an inclusive environment where everyone can safely and easily access essential services and facilities.

Enforcing handicap parking spaces helps prevent unauthorized vehicles from occupying these designated areas, ensuring that they remain available for individuals who genuinely need them. This enforcement ensures that individuals with disabilities have fair and equitable access to public spaces, businesses, and amenities, promoting independence and participation in community life.

Additionally, enforcing handicap parking regulations helps maintain safety and order in parking areas. Clear and accessible parking spaces reduce congestion, improve traffic flow, and enhance overall parking efficiency. This benefits not only individuals with disabilities but also the community as a whole by ensuring smooth and organized parking operations.

By upholding handicap parking regulations, we demonstrate our commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and respect for the needs of individuals with disabilities. Together, we can create a community where everyone feels welcome and valued, with equal opportunities to enjoy and navigate our city’s offerings.

Violations of Handicapped Parking

Pursuant to §218.72 Handicapped Parking Spaces of the Code of the City of Coatesville, it shall be unlawful to park in specially designated spaces to be marked by signs identifying such spaces as for “Handicapped Parking” or “Handicapped Zone” without a vehicle legally displaying a handicapped plate or placard or a severely disabled veteran plate or placard operated by or for transportation of the person with disability or seriously disabled veteran.

Under our forms section, for your convenience, we have provided links to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for you to obtain the proper forms to apply for a placard: Person with Disability Parking Placard Application and Application for Disabled Veteran, Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plate or Severely Disabled Veteran Motorcycle Plate Decal. Please note, these forms must be completed and signed in front of a notary public to be officially notarized and mailed to the appropriate office for processing

Applying for Disability Placards and Plates

For more information on Person with Disability Parking Placards and Plates, click here